Leonardo Workshop

Steyr, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Bridges, Wheels & Geometric Cupolas!

116 bridges and footbridges characterize Steyr's townscape. Wheels are also closely connected with Steyr, in former times water wheels, today vehicle wheels.
Leonardo da Vinci inspired Ferdinand Redtenbacher, founder of Steyr's modern scientific machine engineering industry.
Leonardo still fascinates - take part in the mobile Leonardo Workshop and feel the fascination both during the introduction in the small mobile exhibition and when we build a Leonardo bridge, a Leonardo wheel or a geometric cupola construction together.

Mobile Leonardo Pavilion with pictures, stories and more than 25 reconstructed models based on Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches.
Building of a Leonardo bridge, a Leonardo wheel or geometric cupola constructions
Miniature of a Leonardo bridge to take home and reassemble, size approx. 15 cm
up to 100 people
maximally 4 large bridges can be built at the same time, 25 participants per bridge
wheel and cupola constructions upon request.

  • group offer (suitable for groups)
  • package without accommodation
  • duration: 1,00 hour

see prices!

possible date of arrival

for groups by appointment!

Travel period (01.01.2024 - 31.12.2029)
From to
01.01.2024, to 31.12.2029

non-binding inquiry

1 bridge hands-on, max. 25 people, approx. 1 hour                   € 150, -
Building 2 bridges, max. 50 people, approx. 1 hour                    € 300, -

3 bridges or more                                                                         on request
Combination with Leonardo Pavilion and a small exhibition
(some models), Leonardo Rad, etc.                                             on request

Mini bridge to take away and build (retail price end customer)     € 10, -
Graduated price from 25 models                                                  on request
Company name / logo on wooden part or fabric bag                    on request
(bitte einige Wochen Vorlaufzeit einrechnen, das die Mini Brücken Modelle handgefertigt werden.)


Leonardo Workshop
Unterprambach 7
4731 Prambachkirchen

mobile +43 660 733620
E-Mail franz@wieser.at
Web www.leonardowerkstatt.at/

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