The Steyr city centre offers numerous car parks to park your car.
At the Museum Arbeitswelt there are also two disabled parking spaces (no charge) and approx. 30 bicycle parking spaces.
For events or seminars taking place during the day at the Museum Arbeitswelt, it is possible to reserve the parking space or parts of it at the Department for Property Management of the City of Steyr (for a fee). The office team of the Museum Arbeitswelt will be happy to process such a request for tenants of the museum premises. The processing time for this is approx. 2 weeks.
FA für Bezirksverwaltungsangelegenheiten
Ms Karin Leutgeb
Pyrachstraße 7, A-4400 Steyr
Tel.: +43 (0)7252/575-339
Parkin period:
Fees apply:
Fees apply:
Fees apply:
Short-term parking:
Long-term parker:
Long-term parkers:
Monthly pass, hourly pass, semester passes
+43 676 88600354
Opening times:
Large parking lot
Opening times: