Antique Christmas tree decorations 1830 - 1945 from the collection Elfriede Kreuzberger & Christkindl train
21 Nov. 2025 - 6 Jan. 2026
Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm
Sat, Sun & public holidays 10am-5pm
24 Dec | 10am-3pm
31 Dec | 10am-3pm
1 Jan. | 1-5 p.m.
Visits for groups only outside regular opening hours by prior arrangement!
Guided tours for groups possible all year round by prior arrangement. Price on request!
The adventure railway only runs during the Advent season.
Combined ticket € 8.50
Children 3 - 14 years
Combined ticket € 6.50
Visits for groups only outside regular opening hours!
Registration absolutely necessary at
Please get in touch for more information.