
Cycling & hiking literature

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The cycling and hiking literature is only available in GERMAN!

  • © Cover picture: Hiking & Cycling Map Kalkalpen National Park Ennstal & Steyrtal Region
    Cover of the Hiking & Cycling Map Kalkalpen National Park Ennstal & Steyrtal Region

    Wander & Radkarte Nationalpark Region /€ 5,00

    Preis: € 5,00

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  • © Cover photo: Carto Kalkalpen National Park
    Cover of the Kalkalpen National Park Carto

    CARTO - Nationlpark Kalkalpen Wander-Rad- Skioturenkarte Ost & West (Nr. 401)/€ 17,90

    Preis: € 17,90

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  • © Cover picture: Compass Kalkalpen National Park
    Cover of the map Kompass Kalkalpen National Park

    KOMPASS Wander-, Rad und Schitourenkarte Nationalpark Kalkalpen

    Preis: € 11,99

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  • © Cover: Luchs Trail
    Cover of the Lynx Trail hiking map

    Luchs Trail - Durch Österreichs wilde Mitte/€ 9,90

    Preis: € 9,90

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  • © Cover picture: The Kalkalpen National Park Long Distance Trail
    Cover picture of the book The Kalkalpen National Park Long Distance Trail

    Der Nationalpark Kalkalpen Weitwanderweg/€ 16,90

    Preis: € 16,90

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  • © Cover picture: Hiking experience
    Cover picture of the hiking experience Kalkalpen National Park. The most beautiful tours between Enns and Steyr by Gerald Radinger

    Wandererlebnis Kalkalpen/€ 16,90

    Preis: € 16,90

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  • © Cover photo: Wilderness Hiking in the Kalkalpen National Park
    WildernessHiking in the Kalkalpen National Park, 16 tours through Austria's largest forest wilderness

    WildnisWandern im Nationalpark Kalkalpen/€ 5,00

    Preis: 5,00

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  • © Cover picture: Eisenwurzen experience
    Cover picture of Erlebnis Eisenwurzen by Franz and Philipp Sieghartsleitner

    Erlebnis Eisenwurzen/€ 11,50

    Preis: € 11,50

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  • © Cover picture: Gorge trails
    Cover picture Gorge Trails, Small Natural History Guide

    Schluchtwege/€ 4,50

    Preis: € 4,50

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  • © Cover photo: Snowshoeing and winter hiking
    Cover picture Snowshoeing and Winter Hiking in the Kalkalpen National Park by Elisabeth Humer

    Schneeschuh- und Winterwandern im Nationalpark Kalkalpen/€ 16,90

    Preis: € 16,90

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