Using augmented reality (AR), the historically significant mining settlement of Weißwasser in the Reichraminger Hintergebirge (Kalkalpen National Park), which was excavated in the 1960s, can be virtually seen and experienced again. This app will be available free of charge in the Appstore in good time. Download link "Virtual Weißwasser" !!! As mobile phone reception is not possible on site, it is essential that the app is downloaded to the smartphone/tablet in the Google Playstore BEFOREhand !!!
At the time of mining operations, almost 1000 workers and their families lived here. This "visualisation" of the settlement, which no longer exists, is made possible by using an app on your own mobile phone or tablet. Over a length of around 800 metres along the Hintergebirgsradweg cycle path, visitors can see the houses and barracks, the cable car station with the associated material cable car and the infrastructural facilities of the former settlement such as the locksmith's shop, carpentry, sawmill and fire brigade garage in a realistic form on the display of their mobile phone or tablet to the left and right. Information on the respective buildings can be called up on the display with a click. This project is not only intended to provide an additional service for the museum operation of the Knappenhaus Unterlaussa, but also has the potential to become a popular visitor magnet in the Kalkalpen/Eisenwurzen National Park region due to its unique selling point. This will also sustainably revitalise regional tourism.
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