
Fahrt mit dem Wikingerschiff

Kleinreifling, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Viking friends have a new place to go!
Test your team skills with fun action and tact! 

The whole team rows along the beautiful Enns!
And so that all the oars really beat in unison, the drummer sets the rhythm. And so that the warriors can fortify themselves in between with ice-cold beer, an engine helps to keep them on course!

There is room for up to 55 people on our Viking ship.
Minimum number of participants is 20. The duration of the trip is 1.5 - 2 hours.

In case of bad weather there is a sail roof on board.

A great day programme in combination with lunch on the lakeside meadow and a Viking matura.

  • group offer (suitable for groups)
  • package without accommodation
  • duration: 2,00 hours

Minimum number of participants 20 persons
The duration of the trip is 1.5 - 2 hours.
In case of bad weather there is a sail roof on board

possible date of arrival

May till October - daily

from price
  • € 25,00 per person
  • bookable from 20 Persons
Travel period (01.04.2024 - 31.10.2025)
From to
01.04.2024, to 31.10.2025

non-binding inquiry

Prices for smaller groups on request

  • Suitable for seniors
  • Suitable for friends


Fahrt mit dem Wikingerschiff
Shipping Prenaj - Viking Ship & Viking Matura
Seewiese Kleinreifling
4464 Kleinreifling

Phone +43 660 4879179

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