Very nice routes in the 6th, 7th and 8th degree of difficulty. Very good protection. Almost all of the now over 70 routes were first climbed by Josef Gstöttenmayr.
78 routes from 5 to 9- (7-26 metres)
For topos and route descriptions, see
March to November depending on weather
From the direction of Laussa or Großraming to Schöffthaler Höhe (3 km east of Laussa). Park at the roadside by the chapel.
Public transport:
The Ennstalbahn runs between Linz and Weißenbach-St. Gallen. Details at
Stations are located in Ternberg, Trattenbach, Losenstein, Reichraming, Großraming, Küpfern, Kastenreith, Kleinreifling and Weißenbach-St. Gallen.
Arrival by car:
From Salzburg/Linz: A1 motorway exit Enns-Steyr > B115 into the Enns Valley.
From Vienna: A1 motorway exit Haag > B42 > B122 > B115 into the Enns Valley
From Passau: A8 Passau > Wels > A1 motorway exit Enns-Steyr > B115 into the Enns Valley
From Graz: A9 Pyhrnautobahn > motorway exit Klaus > Grünburg > into the Ennstal valley
freely available
Please get in touch for more information.