From Gaflenz the trail leads via the E 06 Way of the Cross to Heiligenstein (782 m) and then via the Heiligenstein Hiking Trail to Weyer (Historic Market Square). In the right-hand bend after the market square, the trail leads left uphill to the parish church and via Kirchenwegerl to the Winkelmayr inn. At the Steineck inn, cross the road and the Gaflenzbach stream and walk along the promenade past the Katzen steinermühle mill to the Enns. Follow the Ennsradweg R7 along the Enns towards Großraming, past the railway station to the Ennsbrücke bridge. We cross the bridge, keep to the right and change sides of the road at the pedestrian crossing. From here we walk along the pavement up to the centre of Großraming.
Getting there
Arrival by car:
Public Transit
The Ennstalbahn runs between Linz and Weißenbach-St. Gallen. Details at
Railway Stations are located in Steyr, Garsten, Lahrndorf, Dürnbach, Ternberg, Trattenbach, Losenstein, Reichraming, Großraming, Gaflenz, Weyer, Küpfern, Kastenreith, Kleinreifling and Weißenbach-St. Gallen.
Please get in touch for more information.