Trail number: E71
Enjoy the magnificent distant view of the Gesäuse mountains and the foothills of the Alps all the way to the Danube.
Go back along the same path for a while until the path branches off to the right in the direction of Gscheid. Follow this path until the next fork to the left. At the E72 / 476 you get back to the road, which you follow until the fork of the hiking trail in the direction of Nagelschmiede shortly downhill. Return via the Nagelschmiedweg to the parking lot.
By car to the climbing parking lot near the Hackbauern, time saving: approx. 2 hrs. (there and back)
Descent to Reichraming and back to Losenstein by bus/train
"Crossing" via Gscheid and Menweg to the National Park Visitor Center Ennstal or to Großraming
The legend about a beautiful girl, a poor hunting assistant, a poacher and a white stag is the secret of the towering "Stone Hunter" (1,185 m).
Getting there
From Salzburg/Linz: A1 motorway exit Enns-Steyr > B115 into the Enns Valley
From Vienna: A1 motorway exit Haag > B42 > B122 > B115 into the Enns Valley
From Passau: A8 Passau > Wels > A1 motorway exit Enns-Steyr > B115 into the Enns Valley
From Graz: A9 Pyhrnautobahn > motorway exit Klaus > Grünburg > into the Ennstal Valley
Details at
Railway Stations are located in Steyr, Garsten, Lahrndorf, Dürnbach, Ternberg, Trattenbach, Losenstein, Reichraming, Großraming, Gaflenz, Weyer, Küpfern, Kastenreith, Kleinreifling and Weißenbach-St. Gallen.
Please get in touch for more information.