Runners can find details on the requirements in the respective tour description.
The categorisation into levels 1-3 helps to find tours for the respective experience level. Safety first: reduce speed on difficult passages and when uncertain.
The classification is a combination of distance and metres in altitude. In Outdooractive there is a 6-star system for your fitness requirements, which is listed under the term difficulty. Tours with...
1-2 stars are blue and fall into the "easy" category
3-4 stars are red and fall into the "medium" category
5-6 stars are black and fall into the "difficult" category
At the beginning of each tour name you will find the designation L1, for example. This means that it is a tour with fitness level 1. Here is a detailed overview of the fitness requirements of the tours:
* 0-5 km and < 250 metres in altitude (= level 1)
** 5-10 km and < 500 metres in altitude (= level 2)
*** 10-15 km and < 800 metres (= level 3)
**** 15-20 km and < 1,200 metres (= level 4)
***** 20-30 km and < 2,000 metres (= level 5)
****** > 30km and > 2,000 metres (= level 6)
Outdoor-Active also has a scale of 1-6 here and the classification is more subjective than the hard facts of distance and altitude metres. The categorisation into levels 1-3 helps you to find tours for your respective experience level.
1-2 points/stars in Outdooractive
These routes consist mainly of wide forest, woodland and meadow paths. In some sections there are rooty, stony and somewhat steeper passages. These tours are ideal for beginners to trail running.
3-4 points/stars in Outdooractive
The trails include many rooty, stony, sometimes steep and slightly sloping sections. More surefootedness and experience as a trail runner is required here.